Karakteristik Fisik Dan Formulasi Minyak Biji Labu Kuning (Cucurbita Moschata D) Sebagai Body Scrub
pumpkin seed oil, body scrub, characteristicsAbstract
Pumpkin seeds contain flavonoid, steroid and carotenoid metabolite compounds so they have antioxidant activity. The current development of cosmetics is more towards herbal cosmetics with the use of natural ingredients. This study aims to evaluate the characteristics of pumpkin seed oil as a cosmetic body scrub. This study used pumpkin seed oil obtained by the soxletation method. MBLK concentration in body scrub is 10g and 15g. The physical characteristics of the body scrub were evaluated for organoleptic, homogeneity, pH, stickiness, spreadability at the start and after the cycling test. To obtain a safe and non-irritating body scrub, an in vivo irritation test was carried out. The physical properties and irritation test data were analyzed using SPSS version 26. The results of the physical properties evaluation showed that the pumpkin seed oil body scrub has a semi-solid form, is white in color, homogeneous, and has an apple scent. At room temperature storage the body scrub has a pH range of 6.31-7.47, an adhesion range of 1.2-1.3 seconds, a spreading power range of 2.52-2.74 cm. After the cycling test was carried out, it had a pH range of 6.31-6.79, an adhesive power of 1.2 seconds, a spreading power range of 2.52-2.71cm. There was a decrease in the physical characteristics of the body scrub but not significantly different during room temperature storage and after the cycling test (p>0.05). The results of observations of irritation tests using rabbits for 14 days, found no erythema and edema on the rabbit's skin. The pumpkin seed oil body scrub formula remains stable during storage at room temperature or extreme temperatures and does not cause an irritating response to the skin
Badan Standarisasi Nasional Indonesia, 2013 SNI No 3741:2013. Minyak Goreng. Badan Standarisasi Nasional. Jakarta
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