Perluasan Subjek Penerima Bantuan Hukum bagi Masyarakat Miskin dan Rentan dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan di Kabupaten Semarang
Legal Aid, Semarang Regency, Justice, Welfare, PoorAbstract
The subject of legal aid recipients, which is limited to the poor in Semarang Regency Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Legal Aid, opens opportunities for discriminatory and unjust law enforcement. This is due to the lack of efforts to bring basic rights, justice, and capabilities as widely as possible to the community, especially for those vulnerable in improving their welfare. Therefore, an in-depth exploration is needed to evaluate, revise, and harmonize legal aid regulations and enforcement in Semarang Regency to enhance the welfare of the poor and vulnerable. This normative research explains the relevance of expanding legal aid subjects to the value of justice, related regional regulations, and implementing legal aid through a legislative and conceptual approach. This research shows that (1) the expansion of legal aid recipient subjects is very relevant to the concepts of justice of John Rawls and Amartya Sen whose telos is the welfare of the people in Semarang Regency; (2) the expansion of legal aid recipient subjects in Semarang Regency has differences and should be adjusted to the subject of legal aid recipients in Central Java Province by adding vulnerable communities, instead of being limited to the poor; and (3) the next expansion of legal aid recipient subjects must be implemented consequently by the entire community including law enforcement based on the effectiveness of the legal system a la Lawrance Friedman, especially on the substance, structure and legal culture of legal aid implementation. Based on this, the Semarang Regency Regional Government can evaluate, revise, and harmonize the Semarang Regency Regional Regulation Number 9 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Legal Aid to improve and expand the subjects of legal aid recipients through progressive and humanist policies in Semarang Regency.
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