Studi Pendekatan 7S Mckinsey Dalam Peningkatan Efektivitas Belanja Modal Pemerintah Kabupaten Semarang
Capital Expenditures, Semarang Regency Budgeting, Economic DevelopmentAbstract
Efficient allocation of resources will contribute to development where development itself will be positively correlated to a country's economic growth, good capital spending can increase economic development in the region and capital spending can also become a potential regional investment and can become a regional investment instrument if managed properly, with high efficiency. However, capital expenditure should also be in accordance with the needs and capabilities of the community, both for their socio-economic and psychological needs. If the allocation of capital expenditures is not effective, it will not be able to encourage an increase in regional production, so it will not be able to accelerate economic development in the regions. This research aims to formulate a strategy to increase the effectiveness of the utilization of local government capital goods in supporting regional economic development. This research approach is a mixed approach and descriptive analysis research type. The analysis utilizes the McKinsey 7S framework and takes a case study from Semarang Regency. It is hoped that a strategy can be developed to increase the effectiveness of the use of capital goods so that it can support encouraging local investment flows and economic development in the district area. Strategy to rise up efficiency, effectivity, and impacts of capital budgeting Planning for procurement of spending capital as needed since the previous year, Carry out an inventory of assets to sort capital expenditures that are still needed from those that are no longer needed; Strengthening leadership so that the team focuses on goals; planning and division of work according to the expertise, experience, and abilities of team members; and periodically reporting and evaluation related to the administration and utilization of capital expenditures.
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