Pelindungan Korban Gigitan Anjing Akibat Kelalaian Pemilik Hewan Peliharaan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana


  • Ruth Lidya Siboro Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Fadillah Melani Putri Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Adinda Salwa Azzahra Sani Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Adeline Pastika Muham Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Parlaungan Gabriel Siahaan Universitas Negeri Medan
  • Dewi Pika Lumban Batu Universitas Negeri Medan



Legal Protection, Rabies Bite Victims


When deciding to have a pet, of course a person cannot be separated from the risks and responsibilities for their pet. In the criminal law, article 490 of the Criminal Code explains that pet owners must be responsible for all actions caused by their animals. The results of this research show protection for dog bite victims that unlawful acts caused by animals according to criminal law in Article 359 of the Criminal Code can be held accountable to the owner of the pet dog because his mistake (negligence) caused another person to die, punishable by a maximum prison sentence of five year or a maximum imprisonment of one year. A sociological legal perspective views the effectiveness of law in society regarding unexpected negligence caused by pets, that there is still a lack of firm rules for each individual to regulate specific procedures and standards that must be met by dog pet owners. The spread of rabies to victims is due to the lack of public knowledge regarding procedures for dealing with rabies and preventive measures after the bite of a rabid animal.


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Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP)

Peraturan Gubernur (Pergub) No. 6 Tahun 2023

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How to Cite

Ruth Lidya Siboro, Fadillah Melani Putri, Adinda Salwa Azzahra Sani, Adeline Pastika Muham, Parlaungan Gabriel Siahaan, & Dewi Pika Lumban Batu. (2023). Pelindungan Korban Gigitan Anjing Akibat Kelalaian Pemilik Hewan Peliharaan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana. Media Informasi Penelitian Kabupaten Semarang, 5(2), 134–143.

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