Strategi Pemberdayaan Kelompok Sadar Wisata (Pokdarwis) dalam Pengelolaan Desa Wisata Kalongan di Kecamatan Ungaran Timur Kabupaten Semarang
Tourism Village, Community Development, Action Research, East Ungaran, Semarang RegencyAbstract
Management recovered means tourism to passed strategies empowerment travel awareness group in controlled Kalongan tourism village needed synergy among stakeholder, government, non-government and citizen. The empowerment travel awareness group Lokajaya has been important leaded for branded Kalongan tourism village to appointed tourism village improvement. This research aims to know how the strategies empowerment travel awareness group to controlled Kalongan tourism village, how to impact empowerment travel awareness group Lokajaya and strengthens or weakness from empowerment. This research used qualitative method analyze descriptive nearing ethnography. Results for this research to showed that strategies empowerment travel awareness group to controlled Kalongan tourism village to implementation 4M1P Concept (Modal, Marketed, Product, Management, Mentor) and One Village One Product (OVOP) with the product education nature tourism and Javanese culture to passed concept ecovillage tourism village awareness conservation. The impact for empowerment travel awareness group to passed capacity building has growth knowledge to upgrade tourism packet and indicator social welfare from sale UMKM. The factor of strengthens for empowerment is naturalism potency is bigger, opportunity for wide job, full general and social service then weakness factor is means of modal, human resource weakness, social participate low and nature disaster.
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